Does your business have more than one person in charge for posting on social media? If so, there are 3 main things you should consider in order to effectively manage your social media accounts.
1. Danger of multiple posting
Let’s say you have a great idea that you want to post on your social media platforms. You’re excited about it. You feel it’s really well thought out and will help your business. So, you make the content, carefully word the text in the post and publish it. You wait to check because you know you have more important things to do other than stare at a computer screen to cheer and give a fist pump to every like/engagement that happens with the post. Then, later in the afternoon, you look and find out that the other people in your business that have access to your accounts posted right after you did. Not only are you worried about flooding news feeds of potential customers (because you know that could help them tune out your company), but now your post is further down on your own page and the likeliness of that being seen has gone down. What if one of their next scheduled posts was about to go live, too?! Now your post has slid even further down the attention totem pole. Situations like this happen all too often. When you aren’t on the same page with the other editors/contributors of your social media platform, you aren’t sure when and what they are posting. What if each of you had great ideas and the content was spot on? Now you bottle-necked them all within an hour of each other instead of spreading them out during optimal times throughout the week. Spread out those great pieces of content so they each have a better chance to catch your viewers’ attention.
2. Different looks/writing styles
With multiple people having access to your accounts, you also run the risk of not looking, sounding or reading consistently. You want to make sure that when people follow you that they are getting a consistent type of messaging from your company. You don’t want one person sounding very sarcastic in posts, another too corporate and another next person just sharing memes that they find funny from other people’s accounts. This is not limited to the writing on the posts either. Making sure that any graphics or fonts used in those graphics are consistent with your brand standards is important as well. If everyone is representing your company, then it needs to look like everything is coming from your company.
3. Engagement and responses.
Who’s responsible for engaging with other accounts or responding to potential customers? We all know that social media is more than just posting content about your company. Being able to go out and find potential new customers and engaging with them by simply liking or commenting on their posts makes your business social, which in turn gets more eyes on what you’re doing. You need to have someone dedicated to going out each day and interacting with your target customers ensuring that they are getting some exposure to your brand whether or not they visit your page. So, make sure that if you have multiple people as admin or editors on your social media accounts that you talk through the strategy of who is going to engage as well as post content.
One person could be tasked with doing this or maybe space it out to help alleviate the stress of putting all of this on their shoulders. Give each person a day of the week that they are responsible for liking other accounts, liking posts or commenting on others. This will help ensure that you have established a two-way street of communication and will get more attention on your business.
Another method of engaging is responding to those who have reached out to you. This could be people commenting or asking questions on your post or people messaging you privately with a question about a product or service. You want to make sure that these get handled very quickly and in the right way. So, following a similar example, one person can be responsible for this or you can divide this up as well. Also, try to monitor the different social media channels for what’s being said about your business. If someone is complaining about your product or service, you need to address the issue so it doesn’t spread like wildfire. Treat it as an opportunity to make an unhappy customer happy!
Managing your social media accounts is important to your business, so you want all the help you can get. We would like you to make sure that when you accept help from others that you are all on the same page. Otherwise, you might be doing more harm than good.
If you’ve run into any other issues when having multiple people manage your social accounts, comment below and we’d love to talk through it!