Guess what? You’ve made it to a really fun part of the process! After getting everything set up, it’s time to actually dig in and practice being social.
Did you notice the exclamation point with this heading? It’s there because this part is extremely important! Don’t take the “set it and forget it” approach. It is called SOCIAL media for a reason.
Remember all of those accounts you followed? Engage with them! Like and comment on their posts. Have a conversation. Share their successes. Offer your assistance if it makes sense for you and your brand.
Oh, and all the posts you’ve scheduled? Monitor them for interaction. If someone comments, comment back! Again, have a conversation. Offer them something of value to keep them coming back to your page.
Offer something of value. Give and give and give to your audience to show value and build trust before asking them for your business. If you give them a reason to like your brand before asking for their business, they are much more likely to say yes when you ask. Engaging with people on social media will help you with that process.